Thursday, July 24, 2008

Radio Jockey Course – Career in Radio Jockeying

Introduction to Radio Jockey:
Radio jockeying, though a non-conventional career is fast catching up with other traditional jobs. With the advent of FM channels, Radio Jockeying has become a popular option for youngsters. A radio jockey is a person whose job is to communicate with people through the radio and play either their or his favourite songs. Radio, as a medium of mass communication provides the opportunity of reaching out to people from almost all walks of life. While other professions provide you with the opportunity of being recognized by your name this particular profession makes you known by your voice. Names like Amin Sayani and Rajeev Tyagi have become household names because of this profession. Your voice is the key. There's no denying that. But RJing is not solely about a great voice. No formal training is required in Radio Jockeying since it is a talented based field. To develop confidence and flare in this field, one needs to have exposure. RJ hunts or talent search are often conducted by FM channels to bring out original unique talent. No formal training is required in Radio Jockeying since it is a talented based field. To develop confidence and flare in this field, one needs to have exposure. RJ hunts or talent search are often conducted by FM channels to bring out original unique talent.

Advantages and Benefits of the Course:
For people with good voices these courses are of immense help. They give proper training on voice modulation, pronunciation and building an image with the use of words. Even for people who are not naturally gifted these courses provide opportunities of developing their speaking powers, which in turn would help them to become successful Radio Jockeys.

Formal educational qualifications does not hold much value in radio jockeying. Though Graduation is supposed to be the benchmark, students who have passed 10+2 are also hired by private channels. Usually people under 35 years are preferred for this profession. The eligibility criteria in this field is not educational.

Requirements for the course:

Certain personal qualities are required to be a successful RJ. They are -
· A good command over language
· A good diction
· Extremely good communicative powers
· Proper voice modulation
· A good sense of sound and music
· A good sense of humour.

A beginner in this field can earn something between Rs.7,000/ and Rs.15,000/ per month. Some channels pay on the basis of the number of programs conducted. For beginners, the pay is low and it ranges between Rs.200-Rs.250, but once you have made your mark, the sky is the only limit for you.

Institutes/ Colleges/ Academy:
1. EMDI Institute of Radio Management
2. Xavier's Institute of Communication
3. Academy of Radio Management

Typical Course Contents:
· History of Radio
· Voice And Radio
· Programming
· Radio Jockey
· Production
· Sales
· Marketing
· Traffic
· Technical
· On-air Studios
· Radio Formats
· Radio Management Industry Internship in Area of Specialisation