Sunday, October 5, 2008

Classical Dance Course – Career in Classical Dance

Introduction to Classical Dance:
Classical Dance provides a holistic education in arts amidst a serene and inspiring natural environment cultivating a spirit of reverence. The faculty comprises of many experts who have studied here and cherish the ideals of these institutions. The institutions focus on:
Carnatic vocal and instrumental music,
The visual arts,
Traditional crafts and
Textile design,
Textual heritage,
History and philosophy.
Within a short span these institutions have been acknowledged as one of the premier institutions all over India for classical dance with renowned teachers on its staff. This course, in fact, has opened up excellent job opportunities due to its systematic and academic approach. With the Universities all over the country opening their own faculties of Fine Arts, these students stand excellent opportunities in the academic sphere as dance professors. The practical side of teaching is still being done in a traditional method; the theory is taken care of by academically trained dancers and professors. The university curriculum has added newer theoretical dimensions to the traditional practical training. The students are systematically taught the shastric sanction and basis of extant dance practice – an aspect which is of utmost importance if the purity of dance practice is to be maintained and comprehended, but which is today absent from the traditional method of training. At the post-graduate level, the students take comparative theory papers on aesthetics, world theatrical traditions etc. and gain teaching experience. They also take up topics for research / investigation. Most importantly the students are systematically taught to choreograph items on traditional framework.

Objectives of the course:

1. The chief aim of the course is to propagate the magnificent tradition of Indian Classical Dance in its pristine purity and to conduct research.
2. To create an institution for systematic training (of an International standard) in dance and to therefore create a high standard in dance, dance presentation and dance education in India.

The eligibility for the course is S.S.C. passed.

The duration for the course is 2years.

Course Contents:
The comprehensive syllabus includes:
· Art & history of choreography
· Aesthetics-Indian & western
· Natya Shastra
· Mime & movement,
· Stage design & lighting
· Music design
· Costume design
· Classical & Contemporary Technique, Indian martial arts, Folk dance orientation,
· Allied arts in context
· Pedagogy
· Arts management
· Also students will have the opportunity to meet & interact with choreographers/
Companies, theatre, arts & media personalities.
· Fieldwork & internships with prominent artists

· Bharata Natyam
· Mohini Attam
· Kath kali

The course is Master of Fine Arts (Dance) M.F.A. (Dance) 2 years course after B.F.A.

Recognition (University Board):
The Classical dance course is recognised by the Universities (faculty of fine arts) of the respected cities conducting the course.

Career path:
The course has opened up excellent job opportunities due to its systematic and academic approach. With the Universities all over the country opening their own faculties of Fine Arts, these students stand excellent opportunities in the academic sphere as dance professors.

Institutes/ Colleges/ Academy:
1. Natya Institute of Kathak & Choreography (N.I.K.C.)-
(Affiliated to the Bangalore University)
2. Nalanda Nritya kala Mahavidhyalaya -
(Affiliated to the Mumbai University)
3. Kalashetra Foundation-
(Affiliated to the Madras University)
4. JG college of performing Arts
(Affiliated to Gujarat University)